2024 4-H BC Provincial Judging Rally - Now Open!
The Provincial 4-H Judging Rally returns this year, with the competition running October 2nd-9th! Cash prizes will be awarded to the top placing members for each class, along with overall high aggregate in the Junior and Senior age categories.
This competition is hosted entirely online, allowing members to complete their classes at a time that is convenient for them, during the designated window. Members will participate in five written judging classes, involving a variety of livestock and non-livestock topics.
New for 2024 - Provincial Judging Rally is open to all 4-H BC members!
Registration: Click Here
Members must provide their name (first and last name), email (please ensure the email you provide is an email that the member/parent check frequently) and participant category (Junior or Senior). Note: members from the same household must register with a unique email address (i.e., cannot use the same address for multiple participants.)
Registration Deadline is September 18th.
Do you have questions about the Provincial Judging Rally? Contact: Jordin Trueman | 4-H BC Communications and Marketing Coordinator | 866-776-0373 |