Leader’s Enrolment

Leader enrolment for 2024 opens December 1st!

For information about 2024 enrolment, please contact your Key Leader  or send an email to Tanner Marshall at mail@4hbc.ca.

4-H BC Leader Enrolment

Leader enrolment for general leaders will open December 1st annually.

To prepare for enrolment, please contact the 4-H BC office at mail@4hbc.ca if:

  • you have changed your email address since the last time you registered
  • you would like to change the email address that is associated with your account
  • you have forgotten your Username &/or Password 

Please do not create a new account unless you are a new leader and have not previously enrolled with 4-H BC.

4-H BC Leader Enrolment Guide

4-H BC Leader Enrolment FAQs


4-H considers the safety and well-being of 4-H youth members its top priority.  The Youth Safety Reporting System for 4-H in Canada enables leaders, volunteers, and staff to conveniently submit Activity Pland and Incident Report forms directly to 4-H BC.  The secure system can be accessed from a computer or mobile device without the need for an account.

Mental Health Resources

Resources in this focus area will allow youth and leaders to achieve a state of well-being where they are able to reach their own potential and make positive contributions to their community.