This session will cover the Youth Safety Policies from 4-H Canada including the rule of two, supervision ratios, transportation policies, incident reporting, and activity planning. Leaders will consider a series of case studies to think about how to apply the 4-H Youth Safety Policies in their clubs.
This training is now offered as an online, self-paced course and will no longer be delivered as live virtual training. The online training is hosted on a platform called Easygenerator and can be accessed here.
Please note: Those who have previously completed the 4-H Administration course are not required to enroll in this course.
*NEW - 4-H Youth Safety Refresher Course (45-60 mins)
The Youth Safety Refresher Course is intended to be a review of the Commit to Kids and 4-H Youth Safety Training completed at the beginning of your time as a 4-H trained leader.
Every three years, when your Criminal Record Check (CRC) is up for renewal, leaders are required to complete this refresher course. The online course will take approximately 45-60 minutes to complete and is entirely self-paced, so you are able to take it at any time.
When you are due to complete the refresher course you will receive an email notification from the 4-H BC office with a link to access the program, which is hosted on a platform called Easygenreator. You will be prompted to create your own profile in Easygenerator and then you may begin the course. See instructions here, on how to access the 4-H Youth Safety Refresher course. New leaders are not required to complete this training and must first complete their mandatory training courses; Introduction to 4-H, 4-H Youth Safety Training, and Commit to Kids
This session will cover the Youth Safety Policies from 4-H Canada including the rule of two, supervision ratios, transportation policies, incident reporting, and activity planning. Leaders will consider a series of case studies to think about how to apply the 4-H Youth Safety Policies in their clubs.
This training is now offered as an online, self-paced course and will no longer be delivered as live virtual training. The online training is hosted on a platform called Easygenerator and can be accessed here.
Please note: Those who have previously completed the 4-H Administration course are not required to enroll in this course.