Alumni & Friends

4-H has been a part of British Columbia for over 100 years.  In that time, thousands of youth have participated in the program, with 4-H BC Alumni now found around the province and across the Country.

As a 4-H BC Alumnus, you are part of a proud legacy. Thanks to the leadership skills developed through your 4-H involvement, you are creating a positive impact everywhere you go.

Please join 4-H BC’s Alumni and Friends to share your story, connect with former friends and leaders, get the latest 4-H news and information, and discover opportunities for giving back. Visit our Alumni & Friends Sign Up page to stay in touch!

For all the news on former 4-H’ers, keep reading below.

4-H BC Photography Contest 2022: Winners Announced! - Alumni & Friends, News & Media

A big thank-you to everyone who participated in the 4-H BC Photography contest 2022! All the submissions were fantastic, which made it incredibly challenging for the judges to decide on the winning photos. The judges really appreciated the thought and creativity that went into setting up each one of the photos.

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Always a 4-H Alumni... - Alumni & Friends, News & Media , Newsletters

My involvement in 4-H has evolved over the past 60 plus years, first as a 4-H member; then...

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Edi T - Alumni & Friends

Edi T

4-H played an important part in developing my interests in the agricultural industry and influencing my career choices. It provided the foundation for many of the skills I rely upon as a Professional Agrologist in terms of my understanding of agricultural issues, growing my leadership skills, becoming a confident public speaker, and developing relationships within the Agricultural community.

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Erin P - Alumni & Friends

Erin P Alumni Profile 1 2

4-H laid the groundwork for my successful post-secondary career,in which I have recently graduated from the University of Victoria

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