Keep on to date on 4-H BC News, Media, upcoming Contests and more.
Educational Resources
Easy access to 4-H BC resources! Learn to Do By Doing by exploring a variety of educational materials for both non- and 4-H BC members.
Events Calendar
Don't miss out, view a calendar of Upcoming 4-H BC events.
Compliment your 4-H BC experience with our full list of important link and helpful websites.
Facts and figures about 4-H BC, it's clubs, members, and demographics.
4-H BC is dedicated to bringing information and reminders about safety in our everyday lives.
Branding Guidelines
Guidelines and tips surrounding the usage of the 4-H Trademark and 4-H Logo
Cloverbud Brochure
Society for Range Management - BC
Interactive Livestock Judging
Test your judging knowledge of the different 4-H BC livestock projects!
Working Safely on Tractors
This youth-oriented video highlights the hazards associated with working around machinery, and demonstrates how to work safely to protect yourself and others.